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I Wonder Why
A Christmas Chiasmus
Music by: Becky Hepworth
Lyrics by: Gail H. Johnsen
About the Song
Thoughts expressed in this song come from Neal A. Maxwell's The Christmas Scene. "Just why did God choose to have Jesus born in an obscure manger? To live in an obscure country, on an obscure planet, in an obscure solar system, which is at the outer edges of the Milky Way, a comparatively ordinary galaxy, one of a million million galaxies? We do not know."
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Why did God choose a manager to comfort a holy King?
Why did He choose small Israel for such a sacred thing?
Why did He choose this pale blue earth to have the angels sing;
When there are countless worlds in space He is endlessly creating?
Why our Milky Ways vast edges for His only earthly Offspring?
Then on a little galaxy to find shepherds worshipping.
While a million, million galaxies through all the heavens wing;
Why this great vicarious gift to us from a Father All-Knowing.
I know of starlight settings, the Savior's humble birth,
And of the temple teachings while He was in His youth.
I know of tireless travels on dusty Nazarene roads;
He said that even foxes and birds have better abodes.
I've read of mighty miracles that I can not ignore,
Yet there in grim Gethsemane He bled from ev'ry pore.
I know His life and death will redeem us from the fall,
And still His resurrection bring new life to us all.
Why with a million galaxies did he come to this sinful sphere?
Why on the fringe of our universe did Jesus volunteer?
Why, oh why with world's unnumbered do we merit this godly seer;
Who came from realms of glory volunteering to be here?
Why on this painful planet did the Good Shepherd appear?
In Judea's tiny Zion, why a Savior's voice do we hear?
Why on that crude cradle did a star shine bright and clear;
For a sacrifice eternal drawing all His children near?
Cosmic questions, ageless answers:
I know Jesus obeyed His Father's will;
I know He is the Son of God, the great King, Immanuel.
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
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