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My Questions
Music by: Becky Alexander
About the Song
Children are so inquisitive! As a Primary chorister, I have been surprised by how much they already know, and how many questions they have.
The scriptures contain the answers to these questions.
I believe that even little children can become familiar with the names of the scriptures resources that are available to them.
My Questions Sheet Music

Lyrics by: Gail H. Johnsen
My mind is full of questions;
The things I want to know.
How will I learn of Jesus,
To help me love Him more?
He gave His life for me.
And when I wonder why
My heart swells up with gratitude
For me He came to die.
My Father knew the answer.
To day he helped me see
All the books of scripture
The Lord has given me.
These are the books of scripture
That testify of Christ:
The Bible, the Book of Mormon,
Doctrine and Cov'nants,
Pearl of Great Price.
My mind is full of questions;
The things I want to know.
Where is the truth;
Who will teach me how
A testimony grows?
My Mother knew the answer.
Today she showed to me
All the books of scripture
The Lord has given me.
Sung by Madeline Eller

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