Profile of a Prophet
The Standard of Truth
Music By: Krystal Brown
Lyrics By: Gail H. Johnsen
About the Song
Profile of a Prophet is a multimedia presentation based on Hugh B. Brown’s talk on the subject of the characteristics of a prophet, and contains his brilliant analysis comparing Joseph Smith’s prophetic calling compared to other men who are considered to be prophets of the Lord.
Profile of a Prophet is produced in a courtroom setting with Joseph Smith on trial.
A Witness for Thee is one of the songs for this presentation.
The Standard of truth has been unfurled.
Now go forth to tell the world.
No unhallowed hand can stop this work.
This glorious work of God.
The truth will go forth from this day,
You the harvest must glean.
Look for the help of heavenly hosts.
With angel's hands unseen.
Go forth to the continents
Visit every climb.
Tell all the world
The message divine.
Boldy, nobly
Sound in each ear.
Go forth ye Saints
Go forth year to year.
Do not stop! Oh, do not retreat!
Do not be afraid!
On a firm foundtaion, on martyr's graves
This, your faith is laid.
Share the zeal of Zion!
Through all your days.
This is a royal
Banner you raise.
Hold it high 'til
The Savior comes
His purpose fulfilled.
The work is done.
Go forth, go forth
Do not delay.
He'll light your way.
Go forth and carry
The Standard of Truth
Carry the Standard of Truth
Carry the Standard of Truth
Carry the Standard of Truth.