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Some Things for Christmas

Music By: Jacquelyn Reinach

Lyrics By: Gail H. Johnsen

Original lyrics By: Jacquelyn Reinach & Joan Lamport

About the Song

Have you ever had friends or family ask you what you want for Christmas, and even though you may feel a little uncomfortable telling them exactly what you want, you make a short list because they ask you give them one;  just a few of the things you  might enjoy.

Then on Christmas day when you open your presents, not one single thing on your list is there.

After that happened to me, I decided to write the lyrics to a song that showed how to take Christmas into my own hands.

The music to Some Things for Christmas can be purchased online.

I bought a car for Christmas.

It's shiny and cinnamon red.

I'll race around all over this town

And burn off some serious tread.

I bought a mink for Christmas.

So silky and warm as can be.

What will they think, to see me in mink.

When I go with my rich friends to tea.

I bought a ring,

And other sparkly things.

With my little bit of bling

I take wing.

I'm not buying much for Christmas.

Just a ring and a mink and a car.

With my car and my ring and my mink

Oh, I think

I'll be a star.

I got a cruise for Christmas.

I'll play and I'll lounge and I'll eat.

Think of my glee, as I sail out to sea.

Yes, this is a Christmas so sweet.

I thought a trip.

Just a few weeks in Spain.

I'll play my castanets

On the plane.

I'm not buying much for Christmas

Just a trip and a cruise;

It's for me.

With my cruise and my trip

Soon I'll be on that ship.

I'll feel so free.

Ha, ha, ha, 

Ha, ha , ha,

Ha, ha, ha,

Ha, ha, ha, 

Ha, ha, ha, 

Ha, ha, ha, ha!

I might need a place for Christmas;

Perhaps on the city's west side.

When my husband finds out

How I shop when I'm out,

Then I'll need a good place

To hide.

© 2018 Gail H. Johnsen

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