The Three Wise Men
Music By: Regina Angel
Lyrics By: Gail H. Johnsen
About the Song
Original with Round
Simplified Version
A Christmas song created for boys which can be a trio or sung in a larger group divided into three parts.
The three wise men
Were following a star;
Riding on their camels,
Traveling afar.
The three wise men
Had precious gifts untold;
Gave the Son of God
Myrrh, frankincense and gold.
The three wise men
Knelt down before the Babe.
Born to be a King,
A dying world to save.
The three wise men were...
The Three wise men had...
The three wise men knelt...
When we are wise
Our lives to Him we bring.
Follow in His footsteps
Savior, Lord and King.
Sung by: Isaac Nokes, Garrick Bowers, William Woodruff
The Three Wise Men Sheet Music
Simplified Version
The three wise men
Were following a star;
Riding on their camels,
Traveling afar.
The three wise men
brought treasures to behold;
Gave the Son of God
Myrrh, frankincense and gold.
The three wise men
knelt down before the Babe;
He would sacrifice
To spare us from the grave.
The gold was given
to those of royal birth;
He was King of Kings
who now had come to earth.
The frankincense,
an ointment from the East;
This, to signify Him as the great High Priest.
The myrrh prepared
the body for the tomb;
He alone could save from sin and death and gloom.
When we are wise
Our lives to Him we bring.
Follow in His footsteps
Savior, Lord and King.